Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover Reviews: A Disheartening Product
After doing our research on this product, we’ve learned that Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover is simply not great. If you’re looking for a high quality product, the best option is Swissklip Callus Remover and Foot Scrubber. This product is the very best callus remover and foot scrubber on the market.
Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover Pros ; Cons
Let’s take a look at the pros of Own Harmony Callus Remover, first.
- Quick Charging Rate – Often, when waiting for a product to begin to be useful, the most irritating thing is having to purchase batteries or extra parts. Luckily, no independent power is needed here; this product charges in a mere two hours after being unboxed and plugged in!
- Vacuum Function – It’s gross enough having to deal with the unpleasant reality that is calluses; cleaning up after a rubbing process whereby you try to remove them is usually the worst part of the chore! However, the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover does come with a vacuum function that is meant to clean up the callus dust.
- Comes With Extra Rollers – Removable parts are not always the most fun thing to deal with and replace, but luckily, when purchased on Amazon.com, the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover comes with a packet of 7 extra rollers to replenish the ones you’ve used.
- Complex Setup – The main issue with this product is that there are simply too many pieces for the simple task of removing calluses. This means that while a lot of time can be spent switching out rollers and charging the device itself, it takes even longer for the device to actually be effective against calluses thanks to the poor grip and pressure.
- Uncomfortable Handle – If a consumer is unable to grip and apply the right pressure to a callus-removal tool as they scrub, they can not only find themselves unable to get the job done, but it might wind up being a safety hazard. Unfortunately, the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover has a wide, awkwardly shaped handle for gripping.
- Ineffective Callus Removal – Some calluses require a little extra muscle to get rid of, and often a fancy electric callus removal device seems like just the right amount of energy to do the job. Unfortunately, Own Harmony’s Electric Callus Remover simply does not remove calluses on the market. easily unless it is used for long periods of time, scrubbing laboriously.
- Poor Pressure Sensitivity – As part of a safety feature for both users and the device itself, Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover will stop vibrating to scrub away calluses if pressed down upon too hard. Unfortunately, this pressure sensitivity is often too sensitive, making the device too gentle to get rid of thick calluses without stopping.
- Easily Broken – One of the most frustrating things about a product that is supposed to be automated to make use easier is when it breaks after only a few tries. Unfortunately, this was the experience of many who used Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover after attempting to buff away their calluses more than 3 times.
- Low Battery Life – Though the battery may charge quickly, this product’s power does not last much longer than a few days. Since many of us do not actually need to remove calluses every single day, the fact that the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover needs to be recharged any time a consumer returns to it is a definite hassle.
What is Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover?
Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover is a product that is intended to remove the calluses that naturally form on the foot over time. While many people would be interested in knowing how to prevent calluses on feet, the Own Harmony Callus Remover helps in this matetr by vibrating a detachable roller surface piece that is meant to gently but firmly rub callus tissue away.
This product was created by the Own Harmony brand, and is marketed as a smart object that makes the grooming process which callus removal entails easy and automated. All the consumer is supposed to do is charge the device, then apply it to any callused areas of the foot.
If purchased on Amazon.com, this product comes with a few replaceable roller heads which are primarily made from pumice and stone. There are no blades attached, and it is made at a length of around 10 inches for easy traveling and portability.
Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover Main Features
Let’s take a look at some of the main types of features the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover has to offer. The product itself comes with a silver handle and mount for seven round, detachable heads that are made to rub away calluses using a rough stone and pumice material. Once these are properly attached and the device is charged, they vibrate to create friction.
The product also features a useful vacuum, meant to suck up the dust of calluses that have been removed for an easy cleanup. It is rechargeable, though the process can take up to two hours to complete.
How is Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover Compared to Other Callus remover and Foot Scrubbers?
It’s okay, but Swissklip Callus Remover Foot Scrubber is better. Another similar product can be the Lee Beauty Callus Remover, but the Own Harmony can seem like an electric callus remover is the easier, quicker approach to getting calluses removed. Consumers may be excited, like we were, to try an automated device instead of having to use our own strength, unassisted, to remove calluses.
However, the truth of the matter is that as fancy as Harmony Electric Callus Remover is, it simply does not get the job done as effectively as a plain roller. In addition, it is more expensive for much more hassle. Putting the device together, waiting for it to charge, and finding the sweet spot in terms of pressure sensitivity is all too much work when removing calluses.
The product delivers on impressive electronic capabilities like vacuuming up dust, but fails to provide even the most basic needs for callus removal, like an efficient gripping handle or effective rubbing material. Altogether, SwissKlip Callus Removers are much more worthwhile for your money.
Who Should Buy the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover?
Those who like products that look impressive but are actually more complex to set up than they’re worth may be excited to buy the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover.
Why Should You Get an Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover?
You should spend your hard-earned money on an Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover only if you think you would enjoy paying a lot of money for a very complex callus removing product.
How do You Use Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover?
Using Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover involves first putting the device together after unboxing it. There are 7 interchangeable heads that come with the product. Once these are secured in place, the device will still not be usable until it has been fully charged for the first time.
After the battery has charged for 2 hours, minimum, the Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover is ready to be used. It is simply not powerful enough, even on the highest of it’s two speed settings, to get through thick calluses without a lot of work. Therefore, sometimes it works best if your feet and calluses have soaked in warm water before applying the callus remover.
Does Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover Really Work?
Yes, technically Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover does work and will remove your calluses. However, this is only accomplished after a difficult setup and use process that should be much easier. In addition to not being easy to use, Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover lacks all of the basic benefits of a good callus removal product, like those of Swissklip’s version.
Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover: What Are Customers Saying?
Customers are not altogether thrilled with Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover as a foot care product. Reviews are not great, as you can see on the product’s Amazon page. Some complain that the product takes too long to get working, is too gentle, or does not work at all.
You can truly get a much better callus remover if you’re looking for more benefits at an even lower price.
Where Can You Order an Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover?
You can purchase an Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover on Amazon.com. We may not recommend it, but if you’re content with a callus remover that requires far too much setup for too little ease of use and too much money, this is the place to purchase!
Final Verdict
To sum up everything we’ve learned, Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover is designed to be an easy way to remove the calluses from your feet. The electric function is supposed to make this portion of grooming and footcare simple and automated. However, the product’s usability is difficult.
It may be good for removing calluses if there are no other options in the household, but when compared to other products, the best that can be said about Own Harmony Electric Callus Remover is that it is simply average.
We recommend, instead, a much better product known as SwissKlip Callus Remover and Foot Scrubber. This will take care of your calluses in a much less complicated way, and for a fair price!